
Pastors & Board of Directors

Robby Ballmeyer

Senior Pastor

Fueled by a passion for Jesus and Scripture, Robby has been helping people rebuild their understanding of both for almost two decades. From farmers and teachers to musicians and recovering drug addicts, Robby has had the amazing opportunity to help a diverse range of people encounter Jesus and rebuild their lives around Him and His teaching. Robby holds a BA in Biblical Studies from Cincinnati Christian University and an MA in Bible Exposition from Talbot School of Theology

Jeremy Mignerey

Community Pastor

With over twenty years of experience leading ministries and for-profit companies, Jeremy brings a passion for his family and a deep love for Jesus to everything he does. From guiding teams to helping individuals grow in their faith, Jeremy has had the privilege of connecting people to a deeper walk with Christ and the transformative power of a life centered on Him.

Brandon Ballein

Board Member / Treasurer

Mark Boyd

Board Member / Secretary

Joe Smith

Board Member